• Riverstone Implosion Velvet Sectional Sofa

Riverstone Implosion Velvet Sectional Sofa

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The comfortable sectional sofa with beautiful inviting fabric that makes your living room look brighter. Add this chic sectional to your home today.

$ (as of March 11, 2020, 9:36 pm)1,035.16 (as of March 11, 2020, 9:36 pm)


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The Riverstone Implosion Velvet Sectional Sofa is a warm and inviting chair that is perfect for sitting with the whole family.

Whether you are watching TV, playing games or reading, the whole family can sit on this sectional sofa and enjoy amazing comfort and a piece of furniture  that makes your room look brighter. It’s beautiful design will awaken your decor and become the centerpiece of your living room.