Choosing A Cool Student Desk

Student Desk

Choosing A Cool Student Desk

Choosing A Cool Student Desk

If you or one of your children work or study at home a lot, you may want to invest in a cool desk to go with the cool chairs in your den, study or bedroom. Student desks come in a variety of styles and sizes, and choosing the right one can give you as much of a headache as studying. Most students like having their own desk, a clearly defined place to work, and to keep pens, paper and books. The following tips can help you to find just the right cool looking student desk, one that will make you want to sit there and work!

Style, Functionality and Cost

Style, functionality and of course, cost will probably be your main considerations when shopping around for student desks. You may prefer something more traditional, or you may be looking for something a little more contemporary. Most people choose a desk to match their existing décor or color scheme, although there are no rules that say you have to do that. A traditional wooden desk often looks good in a modern setting, and can become the focal point of the room. Many people prefer a desk to look ornate, heavy and antique, although again, there is nothing to stop you working at a glass and steel desk. A student desk often ends up in the student’s bedroom, and it is important to buy a desk that the student feels comfortable with. Some modern desks may look good but are designed in the minimalist style and don’t have as much storage space as the more old fashioned looking student desk. Keep in mind that different surfaces will need to be cared for and cleaned differently; a glass top desk can easily scratch, while a wooden desk can be painted.


The size of the desk is also a consideration, and you want a desk that has enough room, but at the same time wont take up too much space in its allotted room. Think of the work that you or your student might be doing there; papers spread out all over the place may require a larger work space, otherwise everything will simply end up on the floor. You may need room on the desk for a laptop, phone, lamp or other accessories. It’s a good idea to measure the space the desk is going in, just to make sure it will fit. Most desks come with built in storage space, and this maybe shelves, small drawers, or drawers to accommodate hanging files. Having a drawer large enough to hold files can eliminate the need for a separate filing cabinet and can save you space. Small drawers are ideal for holding all those loose pens, pencils, paper clips and staples.


Ergonomics are also important, and you want to be comfortable sitting at your student desk, especially if you routinely burn the midnight oil studying. Make sure the desk is at the correct height, and that you can comfortably sit at it without being cramped or hunched over. Of course, you will want to be able to put your legs out too, underneath the desk. It’s all too easy to focus on the design of the chair, although the design of the desk is just as important when it comes to being comfortable while working. If you are shopping around in the furniture or office supply store for student desks, don’t be afraid to sit at the desk to get a feel for whether it will work.

A student desk may not be the most exciting or coolest looking piece of furniture, but the right desk can make all the difference, and offer the space you need, as well as the comfort. Think about what you need in terms of style, work space, storage space and overall comfort and ease of use when looking for student desks.

Image courtesy of David Cuthbertson under the Creative Commons license.

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